High School Students


Agent Application Overview

We have just concluded AOC for the summer of 2005. Read on for more information about summer of 2006:

Will you be a sophomore or junior in the fall of 2006? If not, were you in the program last year and would you be interested in being a CIT (Coach In Training)?

Want to be part of a generation of new youth leaders?

EnVision Leadership is looking for students who are or want to become active citizen leaders that believe in positive social change and the powerful affect that youth can have on not only their communities, but our world.

Do you believe that one person can make a difference and that with the power of a team, we as a community can do so much more? The Agents of Change Team does.

If you are interested in being an Agent of Change, click on the above links to learn more and fill out an application. Also, be sure to read the "What Is Agents of Change?" section. If you have questions and would like to speak with someone, contact Kristin Moul at 617-695-2439.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Agents of Change?
Agents of Change is an innovative leadership development program that empowers a diverse team of high school students with leadership skills, mentorship, an internship opportunity, and resources to lead action projects in the community.

Who can participate in Agents of Change?
Agents are rising sophomores and juniors in high school. This means current freshmen and sophomores who will be sophomores and juniors next year. CITs (Coaches In Training) are students who participated in Agents of Change program last summer and would like to return this summer in a more senior role.

What does the program include?

  • First week of Introductory Team Dinner, Ropes Course Challenge, Leadership Training Institute, and Orientation
  • Three-week intensive schedule where Agents work in teams with Leadership Coaches to invent a Leadership In Action project (LIA) (community service project):
    • Mondays and Fridays: Leadership Training, Community Visits, and Teambuilding Activities
    • Tuesdays-Thursdays: Internships in the morning, LIA in the afternoon
  • Finale: LIA Fair and Awards Ceremony at the end of July
  • Optional extended internships will continue during August.

What is the time commitment?
The Agents of Change program runs from 9am until 4pm Monday through Friday (excluding Monday July 5th) from July 1, 2005 until July 31, 2005. In addition, participants will attend

  • an introductory Staff and Team Dinner on June 30
  • a cookout and kickball tournament the evening of July 19, and
  • a Leadership In Action Fair/Awards Ceremony on Sunday, July 31 from 3pm - 7pm.

Participants with extended internships will continue for 35 hours a week through Friday, August 19, 2005. Please also see our calendar on page 3.

Do CITs (Coaches In Training) need to fill out an Agent Application?
Yes. We need to learn about your interests and skills so that we can effectively support you in supporting others, just as we do for Agents and Coaches.

Is it OK to miss a few days? Show up late? Leave early?
We understand doctor’s appointments and other family commitments, but please keep these to a minimum and reschedule if at all possible. Agents of Change is a short period of the summer and thus there is little room to “make up” activities. Because the whole program is a team effort, each member of the team, from staff to College Coaches to Agents, is depending on the rest of the team to be fully committed to Agents of Change. At the beginning of the program, everyone will receive instructions on whom to call if and when you’re ill and cannot come.

Is it OK to miss a few days? Show up late? Leave early?
We understand doctor’s appointments and other family commitments, but please keep these to a minimum and reschedule if at all possible. The Agents of Change are working for a short period of the summer and thus there is little room to “make up” activities. Because the whole program is a team effort, each member of the team, from staff to College Coaches to Agents, is depending on the rest of the team to be fully committed to Agents of Change. At the beginning of the program, everyone will receive instructions on whom to call if and when you’re ill and cannot come.

What is the tuition?
Regular tuition for the Agents of Change program is $1250. A nonrefundable registration fee of $20 must accompany each application. For first year Agents, the balance is due in two equal installments of $615 on June 1 and July 1, 2005.

Financial aid funds and scholarships are available for students who are on reduced rate lunch plans at school. Funds are limited and need-based, so EnVision Leadership may ask for documentation. If you are awarded financial aid, you will know at the time of acceptance.

If you have been in the program before, we would like to invite you back as a CIT (Coach In Training) and your tuition is waived. If you are asked back as a Leadership Coach when you are in college, you will be awarded a stipend.

When is the application due? When do we find out if we get in?
The regular deadline is May 1, 2005, and the early deadline is April 15, 2005. Applying early is strongly encouraged, and decisions will be made within two weeks of these deadlines.

How does Agents of Change handle transportation?
Participants are responsible for transportation to and from the Agents of Change program day. We will be giving out free subway passes and will cover logistics for transportation during the program.

What do participants gain after completion of the program?
Agents will gain a foundation of leadership that will enable them to become better leaders in their communities. We will host various reunion type events in addition to Leadership Forums that will serve to continue the leadership education of our alumni.

Where are the application materials?
Click here and print out a copy. If you have any difficulty opening the attachment, email agents@envisionleadership.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

Student Responsiblities & Commitment

  • Leadership Training Institute during the first week
  • Weekly team meetings led by leadership coaches consisting of team building activities and continued leadership trainings
  • Attend and participate in public or private sector internship
  • Weekly special events
  • Develop and execute Leadership In Action Project
  • Participate in Agent alumni programs and events

Program Timeline


February, 2005 University Partnership Renewed, Program Director Hired
March, 2005 Program Materials Reworked, Volunteer Committees Recruited
April, 2005 Leadership Coaches Hired, Internships Secured, Most Students Selected
May, 2005 Students Selected
June 15, 2005 Schedule and Logistics
June 29, 2005 Leadership Coach Training Begins
June 30, 2005 Staff and Team Dinner to launch the program
June 31, 2005 Kickball Tournament Teams Recruited
July 31, 2005 LIA Fair and Awards Ceremony
August 5, 2005 E-Newsletter to All Partners and Participants with Summer In Review
August 19, 2005 Extended internships end

Weekly Schedule


9:00 AM Arrive at Northeastern University for Leadership Training
10:30 AM Take a break and begin workshops and discussions
12:30 PM Lunch with my team
1:30 PM Hop on the T and explore one of Boston's great neighborhoods
3:30 PM Team challenges, games and activities
5:00 PM Return home


9:00 AM Arrive at internship and check in with advisor
10:30 AM Team meeting
12:30 PM Return to Northeastern for lunch
1:30 PM Work on team's Leadership in Action Project
2:30 PM Make phone calls, design fliers, and organize logistics for our project
3:30 PM Team games and Community visits
5:00 PM Return home


9:00 AM Meet up at service site for a powerful day of work!
12:30 PM Take a break and grab lunch
2:00 PM Team Olympic Events and games
5:00 PM Bring on the weekend after a great week of Agents!