EnVision Leadership has impacted thousands of youth and adults through our curriculum and leadership development programs across the United States and internationally. Our participants are eager to update the EnVision team about their progress and new challenges, and we receive letters and phone calls from past participants on a regular basis. Learn about EnVision's impact from what our participants have to say.
Client List
- AmeriCorps
- Junior Leadership University-Young President's Organization
- Radnor Educational Foundation
- Radnor Soccer Club
- Acton-Boxborough Regional High School
- Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership
- United Sports Foundation
- Milton Academy
- Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
- New Generations
- Tufts University
- Delta Upsilon
- Delta Gamma International Fraternity
- Somerville Community Center
- Boston ABCD
- The Pike School
- Barrington Schools
- Starfinder Foundation
- Summer Institute of Leadership and Public Service
- University of Richmond
- Christopher Newport University
- Phillips Andover Academy
- AmeriCorps
- Junior Leadership University-Young President's Organization
- Radnor Educational Foundation
- Radnor Soccer Club
- Acton-Boxborough Regional High School
- Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership
- United Sports Foundation
- Milton Academy
- Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
- New Generations
- Tufts University
- Delta Upsilon
- Delta Gamma International Fraternity
- Somerville Community Center
- Boston ABCD
- The Pike School
- Barrington Schools
- Starfinder Foundation
- Summer Institute of Leadership and Public Service
- University of Richmond
- Christopher Newport University
- Phillips Andover Academy
AmeriCorps Conference
Orlando FL, 2002
EnVision Leadership conducted a competency workshop in team vision setting, leading change, and community building for a group of AmeriCorps Promise Fellows at a national conference in February, 2002 in Orlando, FL, for the National Association of Community Health Centers
The integrated nature of the workshop allowed us to recognize our individual talents and strengths, and ... work together as a team. Hopefully we will continue to work together as a team, even though we are spread across the country. The leadership training that your organization provides can be applied to so many situations.
Erika Eaton
AmeriCorps Promise Fellow
Summer Institute on Leadership & Public Service
Richmond, VA, 2000-2001
EnVision Leadership led a three-day series of competency workshops for high school seniors in Richmond, VA. The participants applied their new skills in the Summer Institute's program by organizing a Community Housing fair that helped identify ways to revitalize neighborhoods in the city. The following year, they served as leadership coaches themselves and made recommendations for the City of Richmond to address the issue of youth at risk.
The fifteen student participants in my program thoroughly enjoyed the three days spent with you and each and every one learned so much about so many different aspects of leadership. Your training made them realize this potential in themselves and set them on a course of being ethical, effective leaders.
MacKay Morris Boyer
Director, Summer Institute on
Leadership and Public Service
Radnor Summer Leadership Camp
Radnor, PA, 2002
EnVision leadership designed and implemented a township-wide leadership camp for fifty middle school students in 2000, engaging students in teamwork and service-oriented leadership. In 2002 we trained a team of eight high school students to serve as leadership coaches for over fifty students.
I think it's good interacting with younger kids. We have a lot to share with them because we've been there before and we realize how hard it is to be their age. This camp shows them how to be a leader and how to make a difference in their community.
Radnor High School student
Leadership Coach
School of the Holy Child Retreat
Rye, NY, 2002
EnVision Leadership coached student government leaders, sports captains, and student advisors in a one-and-a-half day retreat. Leadership competencies addressed included self-awareness, communication, vision, teamwork, and service and community.
Leaders should lead by example, and earn the respect of other people rather than just their obedience. Leaders have to make sure that everyone in a group participates.
School of the Holy Child
University High School
Boston, MA, 2001-2002
As part of Action for Boston Community Development, University High School is an alternative educational program that serves students from across the city. EnVision leadership partnered with University High School to offer students a weekly course in leadership competencies during fall 2001 and spring 2002.
My views on leadership have changed, I was able to receive a more clear understanding of the term and the process. I view myself as a leader because I make choices for myself and I also try to spread love and motivation, to help others. I feel more capable because I am able to get through to people, and they make me understand that they hear what I'm trying to say.
University High School